Monday, July 16, 2007

Before you return to work

While you're still on maternity leave, set yourself up for a successful return to work.
Let go of the guilt. Returning to work often poses emotional conflicts for new mothers. But working outside the home doesn't make you a bad mother. And it's OK to look forward to the challenges and interactions of your job. Remind yourself that you're doing what's best for you and your family, and then move on.

Find dependable child care. Consider local child care providers and facilities or make other arrangements for child care, perhaps even before the baby is born. Look for a safe, stimulating environment and qualified caregivers. Trust your instincts when interviewing potential caregivers.

Talk to your boss. Clarify your job duties and schedule so you'll know what's expected of you after your maternity leave. You might ask about flexible hours, telecommuting or working part time.

If you're planning to continue breast-feeding after returning to work, ask your employer to help you find a private room for pumping. Consider buying or renting an electric breast pump that allows you to pump both breasts at once. If timing is a concern, offer alternatives — pumping during your breaks or working from home to make up for the lost time, for example.
Set a return-to-work date.

If you can, go back to work late in the week. That'll make your first week back to work a short one

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