Sunday, August 5, 2007

Chill out, mom!

By: Michele Bender
Chill Out, Mom!
Most of us dream of a little downtime. But a new study from Ohio State University has found that even when women get time off from office and household tasks, they don't feel any less rushed. And married moms reported feeling rushed more than twice as often as single women without kids did. (Men, on the other hand, apparently kick back when they've got time off!) To help remedy this: Schedule free time that's not combined with other activities or responsibilities, such as a night out with your husband, an afternoon at the beach or a girlfriends-only brunch date.
Caffeine for Aches?
Caffeine may help prevent sore muscles. Researchers at the University of Georgia had women pop a caffeine pill (about the equivalent of two cups of coffee) before exercising and found that it reduced their postworkout soreness up to 48 percent—even better than other pain relievers such as aspirin and naproxen. Caffeine junkies, whose bodies may be less sensitive to its effect, might not benefit. But if you want to try coffee or tea before a workout, drink a glass of water before or during exercise, since caffeine is dehydrating.
Drink to Your Brain's Health
You may want to snag some of your kid's juice boxes for yourself. Fruit and vegetable juices may reduce your risk of getting Alzheimer's—especially if you're at high risk for the disease, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Medicine. Researchers found that those who drank juices made of fruits and veggies at least three times a week were 76 percent less likely to develop signs of Alzheimer's than those who sipped them less than once a week. Go for a juice that's low in sugar and, of course, actually made from real fruit.

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