Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ways to get kids to help with chores

1. Divide and conquer. When cleaning up an extra cluttered toy room or playroom, divide the room up into sections by running a strip of masking tape on the floor, from wall to wall, sectioning off the room. Assign each child a section to pick up.
2. Create a job jar. For really big jobs (like large playrooms and basements), jot down different jobs on slips of paper, fold them and put them in a jar or cap. Have your children pick a slip and do whatever is on the paper. Vary the jobs to keep it interesting. “Pick up anything Barbie and put it in the Barbie house.” “Clean up the corner between the windows.”
3. Dress for the occasion. Pass out aprons and painter caps and play Maid and Mister Fix-It.
4. Designate a kids’ cleaning day treat, something you all get to do when the chores are done. Run through the sprinkler. Bring out the bubbles. Eat Jello cubes. Drink juice in wine glasses.
5. Play delivery person. Put various things that need to be put away into a large basket with a handle. Have one of your children be the delivery person and put everything in its place.
6. Host a “Folding Party.” Divide laundry onto each child’s chair at the kitchen table. (You can divide up easy pieces to the younger ones, larger pieces to the oldest.) When all the children are finished folding the laundry on their chairs and putting it away, they get to sit down and have refreshments! (One Mom got into the spirit by sending her children invitations to her folding party. Her young son sent an RSVP saying he was very sorry, he couldn’t make it!)
7. Kids love charts! Make a simple chart of different chores and have your kids put a sticker under their name whenever they do a job for you.
8. Don’t forget thank-yous, hugs and praises. Everyone appreciates a pat on the back. They’ll be more willing to help out next time!

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